
This privacy policy outlines how WCAUK (the "Charity", "we", "us", or "our") collects, uses, stores, and discloses your personal information when you use our website (the "Website") and mobile application (the "App").

Information We Collect

We collect two types of information:

Personal Information: This includes information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, email address, postal address, phone number, and any other information you voluntarily provide through forms on the Website or App.

Non-Personal Information:This includes information that cannot be used to identify you directly, such as your browsing activity, device information, and usage statistics. This information is collected automatically through cookies and other tracking technologies.

Use of Personal Information

We will only use your personal information for the following purposes:
  • To process your requests and provide you with our services.
  • To provide you with information relating to our services, including updates, newsletters, and fundraising campaigns.
  • To personalize your experience on the Website and App.
  • To improve the Website and App.
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Sharing of Personal Information

    We will only share your personal information with third parties in the following circumstances:

  • With our service providers who help us operate the Website and App. These service providers are contractually obligated to keep your information confidential.
  • With our partners and commercial sponsors, but only with your consent.
  • If we are required to do so by law.
  • Security

    We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no transmission over the internet is guaranteed to be 100% secure.


    We use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect non-personal information. You can choose to disable cookies in your browser settings, but this may affect your ability to use certain features of the Website and App.

    Your Rights

    You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. You also have the right to opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us.

    Changes to this Privacy Policy

    We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new privacy policy on the Website and App.

    Additional Considerations

  • You may want to include a section on data retention that outlines how long you will store personal information.
  • You may also want to include a section on children's privacy if the Website or App is intended for children.
  • Disclaimer

    This is a sample privacy policy and may not be suitable for all purposes. You should consult with an attorney to ensure that your privacy policy complies with all applicable laws and regulations.